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Build solutions that integrate with Google for Education

We offer the Google for Education Integrated Solutions initiative to encourage education technology companies to build alongside Google for Education’s tools and devices to support educators.

Google for Education Integrated Solutions initiative benefits

Partners that are able to exceed all Integrated Solutions initiative requirements may be considered for additional exclusive benefits.

*Benefit subject to availability.

Marketing & sales benefits

  • Use of Google for Education branding and partner badge
  • Initiative listing in Partner Directory
  • Access to sample marketing & sales collateral
  • Co-marketing opportunities*
  • Google for Education partner event invites*
  • Ability to apply for marketing development funds*

Training & tools benefits

  • Access to initiative Zone Page (Partner Advantage portal)
  • Access to Sandbox Toolkit
  • Access to NDA product roadmaps
  • Access to regional sales trainings & technical workshops*
  • Trusted Tester Program invites

Google support benefits

  • Dedicated Partner Advisor support
  • Technical integration support through a dedicated channel

Initiative Requirements

  • 3 Google-approved Google Workspace for Education and/or Google Classroom product integrations

  • Completed integrations document providing evidence of qualifying integrations

  • Completed Integrations document providing evidence of qualifying integrations

Steps to join

A few of our Integrated Solutions partners

Sign up here for updates, insights, resources, and more.